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Plastics?! / How to avoid plastic
« on: October 03, 2016, 02:19:03 pm »
The next step after knowing that plastics are not good for the environment and yourself is to start to avoid plastic products. So first of all it is almost impossible to avoid plastic hundred percent. Here are a few ideas how you can start having a plastic-free lifestyle.

:) The maybe easiest thing is to abstain from plastic bags. You don’t need to take every time you go shopping and in every shop a new plastic bags for your items. Just take your own bag with you. You may even save money because some shops require money for a bag.

:) Another easy thing is trying to avoid items which are packed in plastic. Sometimes there are different Options for the same product, some are packed in plastic, some aren’t. So just take the one without. Another advantage is that you are supporting those products without plastics.

:) Don’t use new plastic bottles. Don’t buy every time you go outside a new water bottle. Just have one consist out of glass or even out of non-toxic plastic and take it with you. And again you can even save money.

:) If you often go to Starbucks or to a similar coffee shop don’t take every time another plastic mug, but bring your own reusable mug with you. Starbucks for example has his own reusable mug that you can buy for little money and you can save 30 cents for every ordered drink. You would save tons of rubbish if you will do this a while.

:) As an alternative to the supermarket is buying your fruits and vegetables from your local farmers market. If berries, cherry tomatoes and Co. are still in packed in plastic boxes, just take you own reusable box with you or buy the products once in the plastic boxes and bring them every time again.

:) To avoid micro plastics, try to use only natural make up and care products. Micro plastics are especially often unnatural peeling products. Just check out different brands which produce natural make up and care products. It’s even better for your skin.

Those are only a few options to avoid plastics but they are probably the easiest one. So everyone could do something to reduce the amaount of plastic use.

Plastics?! / The problems about plastics
« on: September 05, 2016, 11:19:04 pm »
Plastics are everywhere in our life. For more than 50 years the global production and consumption of plastics have continued to rise. Today we produce about 300 millions of tons every year. The growing production replaces materials like glass, metal and wood. About 4 percent of the oil production worldwide is used to make plastic each year, and another 4 percent is used to power plastic manufacturing processes with energy.
Plastics are derived from materials found in nature, such as natural gas, oil, coal, minerals and plants. Because of their intermolecular bonds plastics degrade very slowly in the nature. They are also mixed with additives to improve their performance like hazardous chemicals benzene and vinyl chloride or additives like carbon or silica.
Our current usage of plastic is simply not sustainable. The biggest amount of plastic, more than one third, is used for non-durable plastic items like shopping or trash bags, plastic bottles and other utensils. We are throwing them away after a short time of usage.
If plastic gets recycled we still need new plastic as supplement to produce the same product because when plastic is being reprocessed, it changes to a lower quality. This means even if no more plastic was needed only the same amount, nonrenewable resources would still have to be used to produce the same product. Recycling of plastic does not mean sustainable recycling.
If they are discarded improperly they are ending in the nature, sometimes for thousands of years. According a scientific working group at UC Santa Barbara’s National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis 8 million tons of plastics are ending alone in the ocean per year. They can be eaten by fishes and sea animals. These often die from the physical and chemical impact of these chemicals. Animals who survive can be a part of our food chain and the plastics in their organism can have harmful effect on the human body. 

What is "Sustainability" ? / What is sustainability?
« on: September 05, 2016, 10:01:55 pm »
There are many definitions about sustainability likewise with the definition of sustainable development. The most popular one is the Brundtland definition from 1987. It was made by a commission of the UN and was in the final report, which leaded to many international discussions: “Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Even if this definition refers to sustainable development, the message is very similar. Generalized we can say that sustainability is the ability to continue a habit defined behavior indefinitely. That means taking from the earth only what it can provide indefinitely and leaving the future generations no less than we have for ourselves.
The main difference between sustainability and sustainable development is that sustainability describes a goal in the future, for example a sustainable world. Sustainable development describes the steps we have to go to reach this goal, like education on this issue, sustainable forestry and agriculture.

Talking about a sustainability issue, we often only think about environmental problems. So if something is “green” or “bio”, it is automatically sustainable, because it is good for nature, isn´t it? But something sustainable has to combine three different factors. They are often called the three pillars of sustainability: The economic, social and environmental pillars. If one pillar is not working, the whole system is unsustainable. So when we are thinking about a solution for a sustainability issue, we have to ask ourselves, if it fits for the economic, social and the environmental needs.

Informations / Why this forum?
« on: August 21, 2016, 07:56:02 am »
So what is this forum actually about?  ???
In this forum we want to give everyone, who is interested in all kinds of topics around the upper topic Sustainability, the oppurtunity and the platform to read articles about for information, to discuss, share opinions and different perspectives and write articles about topics you know about and you want to share with others. We are hoping that this forum will become an international exchange and a learning from each other on a current topic, which is affecting and will affect our life no matter where we live.
So feel free and write your comments, share your opinion with us and maybe share even an article about another topic you find important to mention

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